Profile image of Kaisa Kukkonen

Kaisa Kukkonen

People + Tech + Innovation + Business

- Worked or studied in 10 countries -

Artificial Intelligence

- PhD student with key focus on how top companies distribute work between machines and people in the USA, Nordics, Israel and China.

- Active member of Stockholm and Castle AI, Reverse Mentoring Millenial Board AI, organise excursions to companies with competitive edge with machine learning and/or robotics.

Business Intelligence

- (On study break) Business Development Manager building an IoT-based virtual power plant to balance the power grid with a massive battery for renewables.

- Digital Channels' Development Manager for Fortum with multimillion IT projects on time and in budget, MBA on International Innovation & Technology Management.

Include & Inspire

- Business coach for tech startups to reach hockey stick growth in Finland and Sweden

- Admin and workshop organiser for a proactive community of 2000 lady level up coders in Finland, Hack toys & build party robots with Arduinos, continuously developing skills in programming

Coding projects

My projects

Team work

  1. I have 7 qualities of Google’s best employees:

  2. 1. Great coaching skills as a life and business coach

  3. 2. Communicate and listen well at least in 6 languages, and less well in 3 more...

  4. 3. Have lived in all continents thus understand others different values and points of view

  5. 4. As a leader, friend and colleague have empathy toward and am supportive of others by nature

  6. 5.-6. Journalism, IT and clients have taught me to be a good critical thinker & agile problem solver

  7. 7. Work with innovative startups & big corporations have taught to make connections across complex ideas and needs

  8. See The Washington Post article on Google's top employees